PSA Needs To Make Up Their Minds About Grader Notes

A quick newsletter today, as I spend more channel time on finishing up my “Collection of Envy” list.

PSA announced “grader notes” this past week for the higher service levels, and people immediately noticed that PSA’s terms & conditions changed to say that no one is allowed to share or publicly display these notes.

Cllct reported otherwise, to some extent:

And then the reporter on that article clarified:

So now PSA says that if I’m talking with a friend, I can tell him what my grader said, but I can’t tell a buyer. Unless, maybe, the buyer is my friend?

I asked for more clarification: what if a YouTuber is doing a PSA reveal? Can I show my grader’s notes? No response.

But then PSA President Ryan Hoge contradicted all of it:

So if I’m using them for business purposes, that’s personal use. Got it.

Ryan, buddy, what does any of this mean? The terms clearly say that they cannot be “publicly published or displayed.” But you say they can.

PSA is a behemoth, so they can do what they want. They should want to not shoot themselves in the foot at every turn.

Paul Lesko sums it up best (click through for a great thread of memes about how confusing this whole thing is):

Calling All New England Card Shops

If you know of a good card shop in New England, please reply to this email or comment on this post and let me know the name of the shop, along with the town and state it’s in.

YouTube Comment Of The Week

Chris is a good, reliable commenter. I did not validate his data here showing the value change in PSA 10s vs 9s over the past year, but I present it to you because I found it interesting:

Upcoming Videos

A good summary here:

Channel Highlights From the Past Week

Another under-viewed Attic Find Friday:

I broke news that PSA was about to announce that they were going to stop using the new slabs:

My Pickup Of The Week


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